
Its been almost two years, since i wrote anything. I cannot say my life has been boring since. Rather it had been too much. New people, new experiences. I had been to US and back.I was thinking of what to write, and somehow i remembered the couple i met at the gym.

They were an elderly couple.The husband , Carl, would be around 65.He had trouble walking. Yet i saw him at the machines, doing his daily workout.
Fay, his wife was a volley ball champ. She tried to teach me ,but not to mention, i was an utter failure.

One evening we were sitting at the jacuzzi and were discussing about marriage(Everyone asks me about marriage nowadays!! c'on i am not that old)

I remember too well what Fay said.
Fay: " When i met my in laws before marriage, they asked me, if i was happy marrying Carl.I had answered , yes, undoubtedly."

Then she turned to her husband and said," Pity that was the last time i was so undoubtedly happy!"
They looked at each others eyes. A tensed moment , i thought and kept quiet.
And after the moment passed by, both of them burst into laughter.

I looked at them with a sigh, wishing i could have such moments at their age in my life!!!

Insensitive Guys

Guys are so insensitive.This i say with personal experience.
My boyfriend wanted to give a present.(Not a surprise one, he took me along).Well , we went to a Shopping mall.I didn't tell him what i wanted and let him find a gift for me.What i was expecting? Well, perhaps a ring.(Oh how romantic, perhaps he'll kneel down and ask for my hand )A bit too much i guess, but perhaps a great dress, a photo frame, of any of the beautiful things i see around.

Finaly he came up and said ," i think i have got just the right thing for you.Very usefull."
I looked at him expectingly. With huge eyes i stared at what he was taking out.
Imagine what it could be.Not in my farthest of imagination did i ever think it could be a "Weighing Machine".
Needless to say i interfered in his search for a gift for me and finally got what i wanted.
But again, Guys are insensitive indeed!!!

F1 F1 F1

It rained cats and dogs today.The weather was good in the morning , a cool one in this terrible hot summer.But lo!suddenly the sky seemed to fall down ,along with the heavy shower.To add to all this i had to go to office in that very rain.I reached completely wet.jeans was wet till my hips.I was shiverring like anything.Guess what i did.called up a friend ,opened up my jeans while i hid in the toilet she dried it in the hand drier.(:D)
In between i got threats, "I'll run off with your jeans!".
Just thinking...Suppose she did run off, what would i have done?Lets see what options i have
1>Come out as it is..oh no, never.
2>Come out wrapped in tissue paper?
Immm, wud look like a mummy, and just in case they tore off!! Idea rejected.

Well i must add here that i had kept my mobile outside as well.Suppose she took off that along with the jeans.So what else, any other options that you could think of?
F1 F1 F1

Me all along

Amazing isnt it.My site, my own case study.Someone asked me a few days back
"What can you talk about ,just at anytime if asked to?"
That made me think, Philosophy? Relationships? love?.. or perhaps sports ,politics , My God a simply NoNO.Then what else? That kept me thinking and finally i knew it.It was about me, i could talk about myself all day long.And whatever else i talk about finally boils down to me.So here i am to open up my life, my adventures again mymisadventures.Sometimes in a frollic mood at other times pensive.The good ,bad,pretty,ugly, wild,jeolous,brooding,wanton me.What ever it may be, it is me along.Hope you enjoy this journey as much as i hope to.

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